Robert Sabuda's top 10 pop-up books
The author of over 20 pop-up books including The Little Mermaid picks his top 10 stories that jump off the pageI saw my first pop-up book as the result of a terrifying visit to the dentist. Apparently I wasn't properly frozen while getting a cavity filled and screamed bloody murder in the way that only a seven-year-old can. My mother stormed in and dragged me from the dentist's chair spewing vitriol certainly not fit for print.
When the time came for my next check-up I was understandably apprehensive so we went to a new dentist. In the corner of the waiting room was a large wicker basket filled with books. My mother, sensing my nervousness, sent me over to the basket as a distraction. I pulled out one of the books, opened it and was astounded to discover a paper structure standing up between the pages! I was smitten and the dentist forgotten.
Pop-up books have since become a big part of my life so I'm sharing the titles below, in no particular order, of my top ten.
1. Haunted House by Jan Pienkowski
This book started a bit of a resurgence for pop-ups in the late 1970s and I'm eternally grateful for its existence because I learned about paper engineering from it. It also won the Kate Greenaway Award, the most prestigious children's book award in the UK.
2. ABC 3D by Marion Bataille
Some of the most brilliant and sly designs ever seen in a pop-up book. It's a perfect example of not needing "bells and whistles" to make a truly memorable experience.
3. The Human Body by Jonathan Miller and David Pelham
Anatomical books with paper flaps have a centuries old history but this one is the cream of the crop! Gruesome, lovely, creepy and instructional, it's a favorite of kids and adults alike. Who knew the inside of your body could be so interesting?
4. One Red Dot by David A. Carter
The man who saved pop-ups for the 21st century (my personal opinion, since I do feel he kept pop-ups going through some dry spells) steps completely out of his skin to create a modern masterpiece of color, form and movement.
5. Robot by Jan Pienkowski
Who knew robots were so wild and crazy, just like the rest of us? This book really taught me what it meant to just have FUN when creating pop-up books. The weight-lifting robot father is not to be missed!
6. Cinderella by Voitech Kubasta
This was the first 3D book I ever saw where the story, the art and the pop-ups were perfectly matched. Kubasta's gorgeous illustrations were light-years away from some of the "kids" art for books in the 1970's.
7. How Many Bugs in a Box? by David A. Carter
Bugs were usually just weird (and not in a good way) before this delightful gem came out. The artwork is funny and sweet yet still sophisticated. It spawned numerous follow-ups and those of us who create pop-up books today are SO grateful that this series allowed the door to be opened for us.
8. The Facts of Life by Jonathan Miller and David Pelham
The only pop-up penis in publication. Enough said.
9. Popville by Anouck Boisrobert and Louis Rigaud
Urban creep has never been portrayed so wonderfully. Over the course of the book a simple farm is transformed into a metropolis, while still keeping its dignity intact. Hooray for responsible building.
10. The Tunnel Calamity by Edward Gorey
Although not technically a pop-up book, this astounding tunnel book speaks very clearly to the voyeur in me. Peek through the hole and discover the deliciously macabre underbelly of Victorian London. Careful where you tread!