A MUM-OF-ONE has told how her ‘charming’ boyfriend tried to rip her tongue out in a brutal attack.
Carleigh Hager, 27, from Indiana, USA, was left with a bleed on her brain, bite marks across her body, a two-inch gash on her forehead and a partially ripped tongue after the assault.

But she battled through her injuries and in October 2017 her ex-boyfriend Ryan Cameron, 28, was jailed for six years.
Stay-at-home mum Carleigh said: “If the police officers hadn’t arrived at the house and stopped the attack when they did, I think he would have killed me.
“I’m so glad he’s now behind bars and unable to hurt anyone else.”
Carleigh met Cameron, a car dealer, in March 2015 at a house party.

“He was 6ft 7ins and gorgeous,” she explained. “That night he put me to bed when I got too drunk. He was such a gentleman.”
The next day Carleigh tracked Ryan down on Facebook to thank him. The pair exchanged messages and Ryan invited her round for drinks.
Carleigh said: “We started dating and he was so attentive. He filled my car with petrol and would take me out for romantic dinners.”
By September 2015 they were a couple. But a month later, at a wedding, Ryan lost his temper.
Carleigh says: “Ryan flipped after I danced with a nine-year-old relative of his. He made us leave the celebrations and punched me in the stomach back in the hotel room. He immediately apologised so I forgave him.”
If the police officers hadn’t arrived at the house and stopped the attack when they did, I think he would have killed me.
Carleigh HagerAfter that, Ryan became possessive. In April 2016, the couple moved in together, but Ryan refused to let Carleigh’s friends visit.
She continued: “I presumed he was being protective. But his controlling nature became unbearable.
“By July, I’d had enough and broke up with him. But Ryan threatened to kill my dog so I stayed.
“On the outside we were the perfect couple and everyone presumed we’d get married.
“But the reality was I was terrified of him.”
Then, in August 2016, they attended another wedding where Ryan lost his temper again.

Ryan dragged Carleigh off the dance floor and back to their hotel room where he choked her.
She said: “Then he bit me on the mouth. Thankfully the cut wasn’t very deep and I was able to cover it up with make-up.
“But I lied to family that my dog had scratched me.
“That week, Ryan bought me new tennis shoes. I loved that he showered me with gifts but I was dubious about his motives.”
Over the next two months, Carleigh lived in fear of Ryan. She was often late for work because of his rages.
In October 2016, Carleigh was a bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding.

She left the ceremony early, leaving Ryan with his friends.
That night she woke to the sound of male voices in the living room.
Carleigh continued: “Ryan had brought his mates back to our house. Suddenly, I heard Ryan yell: ‘You can have sex with Carleigh if you like’.
“Rage ran through me and I stormed into the hall where I confronted him.
“He ran down the hallway, pushing me back into the bedroom. Then he strangled me and grabbed my tongue with his fingers.
“He clamped down and I heard a ripping noise. Blood gushed everywhere.
“The door burst open and Ryan’s friends piled in.
“But they were no match for his 20st frame. I realised that I would be left at Ryan’s mercy.”

Moments later, Ryan released Carleigh and ordered his mates out of the house, before locking the front door.
Meanwhile, Carleigh crawled into the bathroom where Ryan found her.
She passed out and woke up to him kicking her in the ribs.
Carleigh said: “Suddenly there was a knock at the door and a man yelled ‘Police!
“Officers burst into the room."
Ryan was arrested and Carleigh was rushed to Eskenazi Hospital, Indiana.
There doctors revealed she’d been left with a catalogue. There was also pressure behind her left eye and doctors warned she’d lose her eyesight if they didn’t operate.
She underwent emergency surgery where doctors reattached her tongue and released the pressure behind her eye.
For a month, she was unable to eat solid food. And she had to relearn how to talk.
I thought his sentence was pathetic but I refuse to be bitter.
Carleigh HagerIn August 2017, Ryan Cameron, of Indianapolis, pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated battery and was jailed for six years.
Carleigh says: “I thought his sentence was pathetic but I refuse to be bitter.
“I’m now engaged to the man of my dreams, Jason Glenn, 29, an industrial painter, and we have a gorgeous 11-month-old daughter, Harper.
“If anything, telling my story is revenge.
“Ryan tried to silence me in the most brutal way but I’m shouting out to the world.
“I may be scarred but my scars proof that I faced a monster and survived.”
Where can you get help?
You don't have to suffer in silence.
If you are experiencing domestic violence or someone you know is there are groups that can help.
Refuge runs a free, 24-hour helpline on 0808 2000 247
Or visit the website.
Or contact Women’s Aid.
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