A mother whose son stabbed another boy to death on a playground has been sentenced to a year behind bars after being charged with child abuse.
Anita Lawhorn's son Jamarion was just 12 when he killed Connor Verkerke, 9, at a playground in Kentwood, Michigan.
Jamarion was charged with first-degree murder, but during his trial it was revealed that his mother and her boyfriend, Bernard Harrold, had beaten the boy so badly he had scars on his body.
They have now both been sentenced to a year in jail and five years probation.
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Anita Lawhorn (above) has been sentenced to a year in prison and five-years probation for child abuse

In August 2014, her 12-year-old son Jamarion (left) stabbed Connor Verkerke (right), 9, to death at a playground in Kentwood, Michigan
WOOD 8 reports that since the couple have three children in their custody Lawhorn will serve 150 days in the Kent County jail and then Harrold will serve 150 days jail.
The rest of their sentences will be served at some other point during their five-year-probation.
There was no dispute that Jamarion killed Connor they played together in August 2014.
After stabbing him four times in the back with a knife, he strolled down the street to use a cell phone and call 911.
'I'm fed up with life,' Jamarion told the operator. 'Come get me and lock me up for life. Take me to juvenile for life. Kill me.'
'Hurry up and come kill me or take me to jail or something. Put me away.' Jamarion said on the recorded emergency call.
'I don't want to be on this earth no more,' he continued. 'Give me the electric chair, I don't care.'
The 911 call played a large part in convincing the jury that Jamarion's was aware of what he was doing, and that it was wrong.
His matter-of-fact demeanor portrayed him as annoyed and impatient with the dispatcher.
However, authorities tried to mitigate the crime by saying Jamarion had been abused by his mother, Anita and stepfather Bernard Harrold, and believe the abuse may have contributed to his depraved state of mind.
The jury in that case rejected defense claims that a childhood of abuse should shield him from criminal responsibility.
Harrold said he beat Jamarion with a belt up to 15 times after finding out the boy had forged his parent's name on school papers. The abuse left permanent scars on his back.
'I just lost it, I whooped him,' said a tearful Harrold, referred to as Jamarion's stepfather.
'I was always raised that a man raises young men,' Harrold said. 'I did what my dad did.'
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During Jamarion's trial it was revealed that Anita and her boyfriend Bernard Harrold had beaten the boy so badly he had scars on his body (above)
Anita Lawhorn's attorney, Jeffery Crampton, tried to convince the jury that it was Jamarion’s stepdad who left scars on the boy’s legs in May 2013.
But prosecutors say both parents beat Jamarion.
Official documents indicate he lived in a 'deplorable' home with no sheets or blankets on the beds, no utilities, and drug paraphernalia scattered about the bathroom.
Lawhorn, had run-ins with the law dating back to 1996 concerning instances of child abuse.
As a mother she was forced to give up her daughters in upstate New York after her one-year-old suffered four broken bones and her three-year-old was found with cigarette burn marks on her chest.
The mother of four also said that she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, but has not been taking her medication. Mr Harrold also said he has PTSD and anxiety.
Both Lawhorn and Harrold have also tested positive for cocaine, according to court records.
'I want to say I’m sorry to the Verkerkes. I feel their pain every day and I couldn’t imagine how they feel losing their child, but I’m sorry,' Lawhorn said at her sentencing Tuesday.