The start of Moline’s leaf vacuuming program is right around the corner.
Leaf vacuuming is scheduled to begin on October 16 and run through December 8, weather permitting. Crews will work in a north-to-south pattern, from areas near the Mississippi to the Rock River. They will start working at the location where they ended the previous day.
Call the Leaf Collection Hotline at (309) 524-2407 to hear a pre-recorded message on where crews will be working each day. The city has a leaf collection map showing where crews have stopped for the day and where they will start the following day. Crews may be more dispersed early in the season, as they work in areas with the most leaves down.
Residents should rake leaves next to, but not in, the street or road. Piles should not contain rocks, sticks and other debris. Do not park vehicles in front of leaf piles.
For those who prefer to rake and bag their leaves instead, yard waste stickers are not necessary between October 16 and December 15. Leaves and grass must be in biodegradable paper bags with a capacity of 30 gallons or less. The bags will be picked up on the normally scheduled garbage pick-up day.
For more information on Moline’s leaf vacuuming program, click here.