John Gierach Subject: Fly-fishing
How old is John Gierach? When is John Gierach's birthday? Where is John Gierach born? Where did John Gierach grow up from? What's John Gierach's age?
John Gierach Born: 1946 (age 77years), Illinois
John Gierach Notabl_work: The View from Rat Lake; Even Brook Trout Get the Blues; Trout Bum
John Gierach Notabl_award: Roderick Haig-Brown Award from US Federation of Fly Fishers
About The AuthorHe writes a column for Trout magazine and the monthly Redstone Review. John Gierach lives in Lyons, Colorado, with his wife Susan.
About The AuthorHe writes a column for Trout magazine and the monthly Redstone Review. John Gierach lives in Lyons, Colorado, with his wife Susan.