A 25-year-old influencer inadvertently sparked a furious online debate after revealing to her followers that she has never been drunk because she thinks it sounds 'really stressful' and 'not fun'.
Aspyn Ovard, a YouTube star and mother-of-two from Utah, opened up about her thoughts on alcohol and drinking in a recent TikTok video, having been asked by a follower whether she had ever been drunk, adding that they thought the online star would be 'hilarious' while drinking alcohol.
'The answer is no, I have not,' the mom-of-two replied. 'I don't think I would like it because I would just be worried about the next day.'
Aspyn went on to explain that she doesn't want to risk waking up with no memory of the previous night, saying: 'I'd have no idea what I did or what I said. It's really stressful.
'And I would probably feel crappy after, I just don't think it sounds very fun to me.'

Utah-based influencer Aspyn Ovard, 25, sparked a furious debate on TikTok after revealing to her followers that she has 'never' been drunk

The YouTube star and mother-of-two claimed that drinking doesn't 'sound very fun to me', adding that she doesn't like the idea of blacking out or forgetting what she did or said
Her comments sparked something of a firestorm in the comments section, where viewers quickly began expressing upset over her suggestion that drinking always leads to blacking out and forgetting your night.
'OK Aspyn, you can just be tipsy though and have fun!' one person wrote, while another simply said: 'Drinking doesn’t = forgetting everything.'
One person then chimed in: 'You don’t always blackout. I’ve never blacked out, always remember everything the next day!'
'You can definitely get a nice buzz and remember everything and feel fine the next day!' said another.
'Aspyn there is buzzed… tipsy…drunk…and black out drunk. You learn your limit,' someone else advised.
Others urged her to try drinking, with one asking her to film a 'tipsy' YouTube video, while another suggested that she share a few drinks at home with her husband Parker, writing: 'Who says you have to go [out]?! Stay home with Parker and get drunk together! Just drink plenty of water.'
Aspyn also insisted that she 'can have fun without' drinking, adding that she thinks she 'would have anxiety' from drinking, even if she didn't blackout or forget what had happened.
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Her confession sparked a firestorm in the comments section, where many people pointed out that being drunk doesn't necessarily mean you blackout or lose your memory

A number of commenters said that they have been drunk multiple times without ever forgetting what they had done the previous night, or blacking out

Other people urged Aspyn to try drinking, with one suggesting that she try drinking at home with her husband, Parker, whom she wed in October 2015

Several TikTok users slammed the comments urging Aspyn to drink, prompting the influencer to suggest: 'I think a lot of people have drinking problems and don't realize'

Some questioned whether Aspyn has ever even tried alcohol, prompting the online star to insist she has drunk before, she's just never been intoxicated because 'it's unhealthy'
Several followers leapt to the defense of the influencer, with many questioning why so many people were encouraging her to drink when she had made clear that she is not interested in alcohol.
'“You don’t have to black out!!” she doesn’t want to drink, why are y’all trying to convince her to?' one person asked.
Another wrote: 'Y’all in the comments trying to convince her to drink... she also said it’s cause of anxiety, leave the girl alone.'
'Why is everyone trying to convince her to drink? Super weird,' someone else added - prompting Aspyn to reply: 'I think a lot of people have drinking problems and don’t realize it hahah.'
A number of people were also skeptical about her claims, with one insisting: 'There’s no way you didn’t drink at parties in [high school].'
Aspyn addressed these doubts in a separate video, responding: 'I actually did not [drink in high school] and I feel like a lot of people didn't when we were in high school.'
She explained that, because she grew up in Utah and had a lot of friends who are members of the Mormon faith, which prohibits members from consuming alcohol, drinking was not a big part of the culture when she was in high school
'There's different types of friend groups that I had,' she continued. 'I had my Mormon friends that never drank at all, they never even really tried drinking outside of high school.

Speaking about her high school experience, Aspyn (pictured with her husband and their two daughters), said that drinking was not a big part of the culture

The influencer explained that she grew up with a lot of Mormon friends, whose faith prohibits them from consuming alcohol
'Then I had my friends who were not Mormon... I'm sure they tried drinking in high school, at least tasted it, but they were not getting drunk at every party either.
'I feel like people more started drinking after high school. I'm from Utah so it's obviously a little bit different here.'
Aspyn noted that her high school experience seems to have been very different from that of people who grew up in other locations, noting that this was made all the more apparent to her recently when she was discussing the HBO Max series Euphoria, which documents the drug-fueled antics of a fictional group of teens.
'I was talking to someone about Euphoria the other day and she was saying she can't watch it because it's too triggering and too similar to her high school experience,' she revealed.
'I just thought it was so interesting because I have never experienced anything like any of those situations.
'Obviously cause Utah is not quite as crazy... but there wasn't really a lot of drinking at parties. There wasn't even a lot of parties either.
'Some people definitely did, I'm not saying there wasn't any, but I'm saying for the most part, most of my friends - even my friends that weren't Mormon - they didn't really drink a lot in high school. It wasn't a thing for everyone to just be drunk all the time.'